Every year we stuff stockings for kids who are homeless. We save up money throughout the year in each of our moonjars http://www.moonjar.com/ -a mini bank, with seperate sections for saving, sharing, and spending. At the end of the year, in December, we contribute what we have in our sharing jars to our family "Giving Jar". This year we saved up 131 dollars; just enough to spend about 30 dollars each for 4 kids. Each kid in our family stuffs a stocking for a girl or boy our age. We go to Target, and pick out things for our girl or boy, such as: mini toothpaste & toothbrush, a book, a T-shirt, pens & a pad of drawing paper, a toy, a game, chapstick, and any other items that we'd like to add in.
Once we've put all the goodies in the stockings, we tag them and take them to the Long Beach Rescue Mission http://www.lbrescuemission.org/ It feels good to give to people who might not have much, and it's fun to pick everything out for "our kid".
Happy Holidays!!
Posted by Carly