Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Royal Opportunity

This summer I had the most amazing experience!
I got into the international summer course at the Royal Ballet School in England!!!

It was an intense two week program on the grounds of their lower school "White Lodge".  I had about four classes a day each one around two hours.
Since it was an international course, there were people there from all over the world! Almost every single student was fluent in at least one other language and many of them actually did not speak english.

All of the staff and visitors were so kind and the whole atmosphere just held such a professional feeling.
The ballet studios were enormous and classes were amazing yet perfectly challenging at the same time.

Not long after I came home from England, I got an email from the principal of the school offering me a place at White Lodge starting this September!!!
I am so excited!!!!! :D
Unfortunately, with such an wonderful and prestigious ballet school comes a price.
It is super expensive to be a student at The Royal Ballet School and being an international student they cannot provide me any form of financial support; but we're doing all we can to get the funds before September.

I have made myself a GoFundMe website.  Please help my dream come true!  Any amount of a donation is greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you all so much:)
Here is the link:

And now here are some photos from the summer.......;)

post by Micayla

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